How to Control Mosquitoes by Reducing Standing Water

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remove water to help control mosquitoes

American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA) has designated June 21 to June 27, 2015 as National Mosquito Control Awareness Week. The AMCA is an international organization of nearly 2,000 public health professionals who are dedicated to protecting the public’s health and well-being through safe, environmentally sound mosquito control programs since 1935. The topic of how to control mosquitoes is always a popular one when summer arrives. Several municipalities have mosquito control spraying programs to help reduce mosquito populations within their boundaries. In the summer months, many homeowners contract mosquito control services to help protect them from mosquito bites. In some areas, West Nile Virus is a serious disease that is transmitted by mosquito bites. And, to put it bluntly, mosquitoes are just plain annoying. One of the best things that you can do to help reduce mosquito populations around your home is to reduce the amount of standing water, since that is the source of new populations.

Tips on where to remove that standing water:

  • Empty bird baths, fountains, plant pot dishes, pet water dishes, buckets, toys or any other location where water may accumulate. Do this on a regular basis, as it only takes a few days for a mosquito to go from an egg to an adult.
  • Check gutters a day or so after it rains. Many gutters have low spots where water may collect, which is a prime location for mosquito breeding.
  • Another prime location is at the bottom of an old tire used as a swing. Drill a hole in the lowest point to allow the water to drain.
  • Keep swimming pools and ornamental ponds clean and properly filtered. Empty kiddie pools on a regular basis.
  • Wheel barrows and garden carts can easily collect water. Make sure these are left inside a shed or garage or prop them upright to allow water to drain out.
  • Mow your lawn on a regular basis. Mosquitoes will seek out cool places during the day. Overly long grass makes a great hiding place.
Controlling mosquitoes requires more than just a well-timed treatment program. Searching for and reducing sources of standing water will help to reduce mosquito populations around your outdoor environment. When this isn’t enough, many Spring-Green locations offer mosquito control programs. Contact your local office for availability and pricing.