“Investing in your Success”

Fall Lawn Care Trends

fall lawn care

Setting the stage for success

Creating and executing a solid business plan is vital to your success in the green industry much like winning the NFL championship requires a lot of planning and execution. As the NFL fans across the nation get ready for the the preseason to begin, Spring-Green Lawn Care is also preparing for one of our busiest seasons.

Much like your favorite NFL team, Spring-Green Lawn Care knows that one of the keys to a successful lawn care business is preparation. That is why we schedule planning sessions with each of our franchise owners beginning in the fall and extending through the winter. These two- to three-day meetings provide an opportunity to analyze the previous twelve months, discuss profitability and determine budgets for the next year. It’s also a great time to go ahead and plan all the marketing campaigns a franchise owner will need. That way, when the next spring rolls around and business picks up, everything is taken care of and prepped to run on its own without you having to add that to your busy schedule.

It is this kind of planning, along with the high recurring customer base that comes with a Spring-Green franchise, that makes this a desirable and predictable business for franchise owners. Spring-Green uses historical marketing and business information from your organization to help you predict how your business will grow based on the marketing initiatives you select. It also assists you in determining what staff and equipment changes you will require well in advance of your busy season.

Maintenance focus

On the customer side of your business, fall is the time when many Spring-Green franchise owners focus on aerating, overseeding, fertilizing and feeding to prepare lawns for winter and maximize their appearance in spring. These tasks depend, of course, on where you are located and the climate in your area.

Talk to your customers about performing these tasks to make the most of their lawns come spring. Fertilizing in the fall can be very beneficial because the top growth of the grass has slowed, allowing all of the fertilizer nutrients to go directly to the roots of the grass. This sets the lawn up for a quick and healthy start to growing when temperatures warm back up.

Fall is also the time you should begin to gradually bring down the cutting height when mowing. Any new growth on a lawn as fall shifts into winter can make a yard more prone to winter lawn diseases, such as snow mold. In addition, young growth on the lawn will dry out much faster with any winter winds, leaving a yard full of brown grass until spring.

Spring-Green can help you plan for all the changes that each season brings to your green industry business. Call 1-800-777-8608 or visit us at www.growmygreenindustrybusiness.com to learn how our decades of experience can assist and grow your business.