Fairy Rings: Everything You Need To Know!

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green grass I subscribe to several university newsletters that are dedicated to lawns and landscapes. This year, Ohio State University changed the format of their monthly newsletter to short news flashes about many interesting topics. The university still publishes their Buckeye Yard & Garden online newsletter, but I do enjoy reading all the brief articles on interesting weeds, insects, diseases and other oddities of nature. They recently posted a news brief about one of my favorite diseases, Fairy Ring. I always like to learn something new about this annoying, but usually not serious, disease. Ironically, a Spring-Green Franchise Owner called me today to ask why there seems to be more Fairy Rings this year.

Fairy Ring

Weather has a lot to do with the development of Fairy Ring and how noticeable it is in a home lawn. As the summer becomes drier and the turf begins to fade, the grass that has been infected with Fairy Ring stays greener for a longer period of time. Fairy Rings can be found worldwide and there are multiple types of fungi involved in its creation. Their size can range from a circle less than a foot in diameter to 2,000 feet as seen in a ring in France that is more than 700 years old. The rings always seem to be growing larger every year. Rings are antagonistic to each other and if they ever do come together, their activity stops.

fairy ring

There are disease control materials that will suppress Fairy Rings, but they are often costly to apply and the results are inconsistent. I find that core aeration helps reduce the incidence of Fairy Ring. In severe situations, a spring and fall aeration is beneficial. 

Fairy Ring - Expert Lawn Care Tips

Fairy Rings continue to grow larger every year, so eventually, it will grow out of your lawn and into your neighbor’s lawn. For more information on Spring-Green’s aeration services contact your local Spring-Green office today.