Robotic Lawn Mowers, Are They Right For You?

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Recently, there has been some buzz surrounding automatic mowing systems, or robotic lawn mowers. These robotic mowers will cut your lawn in the same manner as a Roomba® vacuuming system cleans carpeting inside your home. What an amazing idea! Right?

How Do Robotic Lawn Mowers Work?

Robotic lawn mowers are actually not a new phenomena at all, but something that's been available for over 30 years. Once the microprocessor was invented and electronics became much smaller, lots of interesting ideas for labor saving devices started showing up in the marketplace, including the robotic lawn mower. Typically, to set up your robotic mower you need to install a low voltage wire around the perimeter of your yard. This wire acts as an “out of bounds” marker for the mower, telling it where and where not to go. Some other versions are fully automatic and will follow a pre-planned path around your yard. Just like the Roomba®, the robotic lawn mower works by returning to a docking station when it is finished mowing or when it begins to run out of "juice".

Robotic Lawn Mower, Pros and Cons

What About the Price?

It sounds like a great idea, but this time savor does have it's share of drawbacks. First of all, a robotic lawn mower is an expensive gadget. Prices start around $1,000 for a basic model and can go as high as $5,000! Doing a quick search on Amazon, you can find a few models that start at less than a thousand dollars, but regardless it's still an expensive toy. Like I mentioned earlier, most the models require a direction wire installed around the perimeter of your yard, so that the mower knows where to stop and turn around. Depending on the size of your yard, this could take one person most of the day to install.

Which Robot Mower Should I Choose?

The size of your lawn also dictates the size of the unit you should purchase. Some models will mow up to an acre worth of grass. The down side is that with size does come cost, so the models that manage an acre are the more expensive choices. When it comes to choosing the right robotic mower for your lawn, a variety of manufacturers to choose from, is to your advantage. There are several different companies that make robotic lawn mowers, so it is important to make sure the features and capabilities of the model your researching meet your needs.


Are Robot Mowers Better for My Lawn?

From a technical stand point, mowing the lawn on a daily basis and recycling the clippings back on to the lawn is a great idea. On most models, you can set the cutting height to almost three inches which is ideal. I have not seen any studies that compare daily mowing against once a week mowing, but it probably is better for the turf. Also, the weight of a traditional mower is much greater than a robot mower, so using the robot will lessen soil compaction on your turf. I am not sure if the robot mower is a passing fad or something that will be around forever. I would definitely be interested in trying one out, if someone wants to let me do a "trial-run" for a few years. Since the likelihood of that happening is rather low, I guess I am stuck mowing the old fashioned way. Drat. Spring-Green is committed to innovation in all forms of lawn care. Learn more about our services, or contact your local Spring-Green to request a free estimate for your lawn care needs, today.