Tune Up My Sprinkler System?

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You change the oil and have your car serviced on a regular basis. You have someone come in and do a furnace or air conditioner check to make sure either one is performing at top efficiency. You visit your doctor on a regular basis to make sure you are in tip top shape. Have you ever thought about doing the same with your sprinkler system? Often times, people who have a sprinkler system never think about having it evaluated to ensure that it’s running correctly and supplying water efficiently and uniformly. As long as the grass looks green, the basic assumption is that everything is fine. The efficient use of water is becoming a major concern in many parts of the country. Many people view sprinkler systems as a waste of water, especially when the system is running during a rain storm or the heads are misaligned and watering the sidewalk instead of the lawn. Maintaining healthy turf does require water, but if a sprinkler system is “out of tune” then water can end up going down the drain, either by poor spray head placement, wrong nozzles or not using moisture sensors or smart controllers. Many people also don't realize that nozzles can wear out over time. The nozzles and spray heads that were installed with the system 10 years ago can be inefficient and out of balance. Sprinkler companies have made tremendous advances in spray head and nozzle designs that supply water in a manner that promotes good plant growth, but limits the amount of water loss. Jay Guthy, Business Development Manager for Toro states, “Toro Irrigation has a handful of innovative, award-winning products that easily retrofit into your existing system and can save you water and money. Precision™ Spray Nozzles can fit any spray body on your lawn, and apply up to 40% less water than traditional spray nozzles, but are much more uniform in their distribution of water. Today, it’s all about applying less water more uniformly, and allowing the water to infiltrate to the root zone versus being wasted through runoff and evaporation.” Another important aspect of an efficient sprinkler system is the use of a smart controller, moisture sensors and rain sensors. And Toro even has a unit that easily retrofits to most any controller installed. These three components are critical for any sprinkler system. Using them can save up to 40% on water usage. With the cost of water and possible restrictions on water use, these components are well worth the investment. If you have never had your sprinkler system evaluated, then you could be wasting a lot of water and money. Contact Spring-Green for a tune-up today. You will be glad you did.