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Fungus: Control These Types of Common Tree Fungal Diseases

Trees and shrubs make a wonderful feature to add to any landscape, but without proper care and with changing climates they can become exposed to several tree fungal diseases. Here are a list of common tree fungus diseases that you may spot along your landscape.

Tree Fungus Diseases

Anthracnose tree fungus


Anthracnose is a common tree fungus disease of sycamore, maples, burning bush and several other trees and shrubs; occurring in late spring and early summer, especially if spring is cool and wet. Diseased trees often show a canopy of healthy leaves, as the anthracnose fungus is most severe in lower portions of the tree. Considerable defoliation can occur, but visual symptoms of the disease on leaves include tan blotches on the leaves and wilted appearance. Root feeding is strongly recommended for treatment of Anthracnose to help the tree combat the disease. 

Oak Wilts Oak wilt is a serious tree fungus disease of that can kill certain varieties, including the red oak tree, in as little as six weeks. The disease easily transfers from one oak tree to a nearby oak tree through insect activity and root grafts. This fungus goes through the tree and stops the flow of water and other components. During the susceptible period of spring and summer, wounds to the tree should be avoided or treated promptly. Fresh wounds are invitations to insects carrying the fungus spores. Thus, pruning should be avoided during the susceptible period. Oak wilt symptoms begin with the wilting and dropping of upper leaves, then progress downward toward the bottom of the crown. There is no control for this disease, but it is recommended as prevention to avoid planting same oak species near each other. 

Sooty Mold Sooty Mold is black tree fungus that develops on the excrement of aphids and other sucking insects. This secondary invader is not generally harmful to the plant, but can be very unsightly. The primary invader is of course the aphid or other insects; thus control should be targeted toward the eradication of the insect pest in order to prevent this fungus to spread.

 Fire Bligh tree fungus

Fire Blight Fire blight is a bacterial disease common to the mountain ash tree. Fire blight is the most destructive peat of the mountain ash, causing branch cankers, and blight of twigs, leaves and blossoms. Leaves will appear blighted or scorched, turning reddish-brown, thus the name, fire blight. It is recommended as treatment to prune off any infected leaves and branches. For the best recommendation on how to diagnose, prevent and treat your landscape trees, contact your neighborhood Lawn Care Professional at Spring Green. They will be able to evaluate and determine a program such as the 2-Step Tree Program that is beneficial for the health of your landscape trees.