How Do You Plant A Tree?

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Trees bring so much beauty to your yard with the added benefits of shade and improvement to air quality around you. If planting trees is on your agenda, you are on to something good. Your neighborhood lawn care experts at Spring-Green have the guide you need to get it done. Let's go! 

What are the benefits of adding a tree to my lawn?

  • Helping to reduce air pollution 
  • Increasing the absorption of carbon dioxide 
  • Reducing electricity costs as they help to cool down areas of your home 
  • Reducing rain runoff 
  • Providing shade that reduces sun damage 
  • Offering protection from wind damage and bad weather 
  • Attracting birds, wildlife, and pollinators 
  • Hiding less attractive areas of our homes 
  • Increasing the value of the real estate 

How can I plant a tree by myself?

  • Prepare the proper planting hole. Preparing the hole for planting is the first and most important step in your tree planting endeavor. Make your tree planting hole three times wider than the current root mass. Don’t place your tree in the hole so deep that any part of that flare is covered with soil. The truth is, even nurseries sometimes put plants in containers too deeply. Here are a few quick tips. 
  • Check out the height. Plant higher than the soil level because the soil will settle and lower quickly. It’s important to do this so that the roots stay covered and avoid issues like root rot or disease. 
  • Keep an eye on the roots. The roots of your tree should not be root-bound. You’ll need to break up the pattern or your tree could have serious problems such as disease or at the very least not growing to optimal levels.   
  • Don’t believe the hype about amending the soil. Recent research shows that amending holes is not a good idea when planting trees. Amending the soil has the long-term effect is a smaller root system, reduced growth, and a less hardy tree. 
  • Eliminate air pockets. Be sure to eliminate air pockets that may naturally occur by your newly planted tree. You can spray water into the hole after backfilling halfway to provide needed moisture and help to eliminate air pockets that could otherwise result in dead roots or worse. 
  • Add mulch. Starting about two inches from the trunk (leave this area exposed), place approximately two inches of organic matter such as mulch to help retain much-needed moisture as well as to help keep roots cooler near the surface 
  • Water well. The single most important thing to pay attention to after you plant the tree in your yard is watering. Keeping the soil around the tree well-hydrated sets it up to establish roots and thrive.   
  • Skip fertilizer. You might be tempted to add fertilizer to the soil surrounding your tree, but don’t. Do not use fertilizer, potting soil, or chemicals on your newly planted trees as they can have the opposite effect, sometimes killing young trees. 

Trees are often referred to as the lungs of the earth for good reason. They bring life to our yards and air to our worlds. Mature trees make our home more beautiful (and worth more). Whether you are planting one small tree or a grove of big trees, Spring-Green is here for you. At Spring-Green, we partner with organizations like the Arbor Day foundation to populate our communities with over 110,000 trees per year. So not only do we help plant them, we help you take care of them too. You can learn all about our Tree Care services by Contacting Spring-Green today!