Fall is a great time for seeding your lawn.  Your lawn may have a few thin or bare spots, or it may need a complete overseeding.  Either way, if you’re planning to seed, it’s time to act. Right now, the soil temperatures are higher, which means your seed will sprout faster. You will get a renewed lawn in less time and reduce the chance of unwanted weeds shooting up first. By “hardening of” the new grass this fall, your lawn will look better in the spring, and regular crabgrass and weed control applications can be made at the proper times. Here are five guidelines that will help to keep your new lawn on track and give you the results you’ll love – this year and for years to come.

 #1:  Have your grass seed planted early:  

Allow enough growing time to get in a few mowings before winter. #

2:  Seed-to-soil contact makes or breaks the job:  

Seed must be able to put roots directly into the soil when it germinates or it will not survive long.  Opening the soil with an aerator can make all the difference between the success or failure of the seed. 

#3:  Use the right kind of fertilizer on the seedbed: 

A good fertilizer, high in phosphorus for quick root growth, makes a huge difference in establishment. 

#4:  Keep it moist: 

After germination, your new seed will need a nearly constant supply of moisture.  It’s not necessary to water a long time in each spot, but do keep the growing zone of the new grass moist, with daily or nearly daily light watering. 

#5:  Mow short in the fall, and mulch or remove leaves:  

Set the mower lower for your last several mowings to"harden off" the grass. Control leaves by mulching them with your mower, or raking and removing them completely.  Keeping leaves clear allows for faster green-up in the spring. Start planning now to beat the clock on your fall seeding.  And, remember, timing makes all the difference. For further information, visit our core aeration & overseeding page.