Greenbug Aphids

Small Bugs With A Big Bite 

Since the 1800s, greenbug aphids have been causing devastation in American agriculture. Each year they ruin more than 50 million bushels of oats and wheat. In fact, experts estimate greenbugs destroy as much as 3% of all annual wheat crops throughout the world! 

Greenbugs Have Gained A Taste For Turf 

As a homeowner, you probably think of aphids as pests that attack your roses and ornamentals. But during the past 25 years a variation of these small insects has shown up and become a serious lawn pest, especially on Kentucky bluegrass. Greenbugs that attack turf grass are a little smaller than other types of aphids — they measure only 1/16” when full grown. But, these pests have an appetite that can't be satisfied. Once in your lawn, these tiny insects pierce and suck the juices from grass blades. Worse yet, while they eat, they inject a toxic saliva that kills plant cells and causes yellow and orange spotting. The toxin attacks the root system, and eventually causes your grass to die. 

Population Explosion Makes Control Tough 

Greenbugs are hard to eliminate because they have short, overlapping life cycles and they produce many generations within a season. In fact, a female greenbug aphid can give birth to as many as 60 young. These young, in turn, are mature enough to produce another generation within 7 to 10 days! 

Knowing The Damage Signs 

Greenbugs, usually, attack turf grass underneath shade trees, although they can infest parts of your lawn in sunny, open areas, too. When the population is small, grass that is infected becomes slightly yellow. As the number of insects grows, the grass turns burnt orange. By this time, there may be as many as 30 aphids or more on a single blade of grass. Greenbugs move in waves from dead turf to living grass areas. Lawn Treatment Services for Greenbug Aphids To eliminate these pests, insect controls must be applied on the infected grass and surrounding areas. Because greenbugs have learned to withstand many common insect controls, we may have to do follow up lawn treatments. Discovering and treating these insects early is important for reducing the amount of damage to your lawn. If you notice an area of your lawn that appears to have aphids, or other insects, contact your local Spring Green lawn care professionals immediately.

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