Your local Spring Green lawn care experts are ready to help transform your lawn into a green, lush oasis! For 48 years, Spring Green has provided tailored lawn care services to thousands of happy customers. Get the green lawn you have always wanted – now with 20% off* your lawn care program plus free perimeter pest control. Fill out the form or call us at 800-830-5914 to get started.
Our Preferred Lawn Care Program is our most popular service and provides these benefits for your lawn:
Supplement your lawn care program with our additional services:
Lawn and Tree
Pest & Insect Control
*This discount is for new lawn care customers. The 20% discount plus free perimeter pest control is reflected in the price quote, and applies to the Preferred lawn care program only. Prices are based on lawn size, which will be verified on the first visit and are quoted per application on our Preferred Program. Prices are subject to change. Offer not available in all areas. Offer ends 12/31/25.
Spring Green is locally owned and committed to beautifying our communities and caring for your lawn and landscape like it's our own.
We pride ourselves on offering transparent pricing and a free, no-obligation quote, intended to bring you the best value. Just call the number below or enter your address above to get started.
Your lawn is as unique as you are! We provide customized treatments for what your lawn needs to get you the results you’re looking for. Enjoy a lush, green lawn this year with Spring Green.
We know how to treat your lawn, because we live in the community too! Our local professionals provide prompt, courteous service. We are committed to our community and helping our neighborhoods grow.