Winterizing Your Sprinkler System: How to Blow Out Your Sprinklers

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blowing out your sprinkler system

If you have an automatic sprinkler system installed in your lawn and landscape and you live in an area where the ground can freeze during the winter months, the most important task to ensure the system will function properly next year is to winterize your sprinkler system. Not only are you removing the water from the pipes, you need to shut down the controller and remove and store the backflow preventer. I did a search on how to winterize your sprinkler system and I found several YouTube videos and various instruction sheets with detailed and not-so-detailed instructions on performing this task. Winterizing a sprinkler system is not as easy as it seems. You may need to rent a commercial-sized air compressor unless you have one that can supply a minimum of 50 cubic feet per minute of air volume. Blowing out your sprinklers by attaching the air compressor to the pipes may require some type of adapter. You also have to have the correct type of wrenches to remove the backflow preventer, and you also need to know how to shut off the water supply to the system.

sprinkler system control box

Winterizing a sprinkler system is probably not the task that the average homeowner should tackle on their own. Contracting with a sprinkler maintenance service is often the best and safest choice to winterize your system. The company should be able to inform you of any possible breaks or malfunctions that they observe while blowing out the sprinkler lines. Most companies will also shut down your controller and remove the battery for the winter. The backflow preventer, once removed, should be stored in a location where it will not freeze during the winter. Winterizing your sprinkler system is an important task that should be completed before the cold weather sets in. Don’t put off this task too long. There was snow falling on Halloween morning in the Chicago area. Winter could be right around the corner! Contact Spring-Green Lawn Care today to set up your maintenance appointment!