How and When to Prune Trees: Fall Pruning and Other Tips

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There are many questions surrounding when to prune trees. So if you’re looking for a good time… the time is NOW! Fall is a great time to prune many trees, shrubs and perennial plants. First things first, you have to ask yourself some quick questions before you start.

Do You Have the Right Tools?

Before you start thinking about when to prune trees, making sure you have the right tools for whatever job you’re doing is essential! If you plan to just prune back a few smaller branches or cut back a few perennial plants, a good pair of by-pass pruning shears will do the trick. If you plan to prune branches that are between ½ to 3 inches in diameter, then a pair of loppers is needed. Anything larger than 3 inches should be pruned with a good, sharp pruning saw.

What Are You Trying to Accomplish?

Knowing exactly what you’re trying to accomplish is important in pruning plants. Are you trying to control the size or shape? Are you pruning to remove limbs that are growing too low or pose a safety concern? Here’s a useful pruning tip: For the most part, smaller shrubs, especially ones that flower in the spring or summer, should not be pruned using hedge shears. The flowers for these shrubs are set during the summer. Shearing them in the fall will reduce the number of flowers for next spring.

Do You Have a Plan for the Waste?

It’s important to think about what you will do with the material you remove. Depending on where you live, there may be an extra charge from your waste removal company to haul away branches and other brush. There may also be time limits on when you can have them removed, so taking that time frame into consideration is essential. In the city where I live, yard waste pickup stops in late November. I also need to tie up all branches so that they are no longer than 6 feet in length, and the bundle cannot exceed 4 feet in diameter. Knowing this in advance and planning accordingly could save you a lot of headache.

when a tree needs pruning

How to Prune Trees

Trees: Most of the pruning you do will help the tree grow better and have a better form. Our first tip on how to prune trees is to look for branches that are crossing each other or are growing into the middle of the tree. When making the cut, don’t cut in the middle of the branch. Prune just above a growth point, like near a bud, stem or branch. The cut should be made at a 30 to 45 degree angle. Take care not to leave stubs. The end of the branch will not produce new growth and eventually it will die, leaving it open for invasion of wood decaying organisms. Shrubs: If you want to shape a spring or summer flowering shrub or small tree instead of just cutting it back, it’s important to not try and shape it with pruning shears. Taking off a cross branch or one that may be damaged is okay. There may be a few less flowers, but it will be better for the plant in the long run.

What if My Tree Needs Major Pruning?

If your trees need major pruning or you are not sure what needs to be pruned, contact a licensed arborist to do the work for you. Pruning can be a dangerous task and major work should be left up to the professionals. Now that you’ve got your problem branches under control, let’s talk about fertilizing your trees and protecting them against insects. Get in touch with your local Spring-Green owner today!