Prepare and Protect Your Lawn This Trick-or-Treating Season

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With Halloween quickly approaching, Spring-Green wants to provide a helpful guide to navigate the upcoming trick-or-treaters. These tips will help you to prep and protect your lawn while still enjoying all the costumes, candy, and fun! 

Why do I need to protect my lawn?  

The cooling temperatures that move in for the fall season tend to alter the durability of your lawn. This causes the grass to go dormant, halts the growing process, and turns the lawn a brownish color.  The Farmer’s Almanac predicts certain areas in the United States will begin to see an increase in precipitation as fall progresses. The already seasonally fragile lawn beings to soften as the temperatures grow colder. This shift can make any homeowner shiver with the thought of trick-or-treaters walking all over the now tender lawn. 

Before you become the neighbor who screams, "Get off my lawn,” Spring-Green wants to help you prevent a collection of mud holes, deep tracks, thinning grass, and dirt patches before they happen.    

Decorate your lawn with a purpose for Halloween 

Halloween Décor - Decorating your lawn with a purpose is a great way to direct traffic. Inflatables help keep others out of a certain area of your lawn. However, if left in one spot for too long, they can damage your already tender lawn by leaving patches of dead grass in its wake.  By using large yard signs to guide the way, you can minimize the damage and prepare the path properly. Signs with smaller stakes are easy to place and do minimal damage to your lawn. 

Rope Maze - Create a rope maze using yarn and stakes to guide the way. This will be fun for the kids and will minimize the damage done to your lawn. To capitalize on this idea, create the maze over your driveway to ensure the trick-or-treaters should never touch the grass.  

Light The Way – Lots of dollar stores sell Halloween themed solar lighting. By placing these along the walk-up or even up the driveway, you can direct traffic to the candy. This is a budget-friendly way to create an ambiance in your yard while still maintaining a path the trick-or-treaters.  

Plastic Chait Mats – If you have a smaller section of grass that tends to get stepped on, try placing a hard desk chair mat over it. This helps absorb the impact and protects soft spots from little trick-or-treater feet.  

Protect your lawn ahead of Trick-or-Treaters 

Having trick-or-treaters walking all over your tender fall lawn can put shivers down any homeowner's spine. Prepping your lawn and home for trick-or-treats is key to helping keep people off your lawn.  Your lawn is an important part of your home. Spring-Green is here to help you make sure your lawn stays lush throughout the changing seasons.  Since 1977, Spring-Green is dedicated to helping you with your lawn and garden needs throughout all the changing seasons. 

Don’t let the potential damage to your lawn keep you from all your trick-or-treating fun!  

Contact a Spring-Green Pro today to get started.